Tag Archives: Entrepreneur

My attempt at crowd funding

To say I am not living up to my full potential is an understatement. I am good at being an entreperneur, but I have not had the chance to give it my all.
I have an event planning business.

We have consistently turned a profit for the past three years.
The goal is to make this my full time job 🙂
I am doing this crowd funding for my business to raise some start up capital. This will help me relaunch my website, take a business class or two, get some strong internet marketing behind me etc etc.

My goal in 2013 – I should be Bicoastal.
Savannah Events and Weddings – SEW here in GA
Desert Events and Weddings – DEW in CA – May 2013
I also wrote a book and I will need $100.00 to release that.
All together I have to raise
$ 2,800.00 for my business.
If you can help awesome if not forward on to someone else.

Click on this link below at

Side not the wedding/event industry is multimillion industry.

Call me or text me for more info or partnership.

Love Amanda

Phineas and Ferb – The Most Highly Effective Boys I know

Cover of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effectiv...

Cover of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This blog post is purely motivated by my need to change for the better and how lately I have looked for or analyzing people who are highly effective and successful in their fields.

This has been a painstaking process for me, as I am learning to be successful you must have an ultra positive state of mind; while living and breathing the change you are trying to become. During this process, I am analyzing so many aspects of my life from work, relationships and lifestyle.

A staple part my lifestyle is my Saturday morning cartoon time with my son. In particular the time we spend watching the very funny yet super informative Phineas and Ferb on the Disney Channel.

The show follows the adventures of step brothers Phineas Flynn (Vincent Martella) and Ferb Fletcher (Thomas Sangster), who live in the fictional town of Danville, somewhere in the Tri-State area. Their older sister, Candace Flynn (Ashley Tisdale), is obsessed with two things throughout the show.  One is “busting” Phineas and Ferb’s schemes and ideas, usually calling their mother to report the boys’ activities in an attempt to get them in trouble, but is never successful because of events that transpire in another subplot. Second is that she is obsessed with a boy named Jeremy (Mitchel Musso) who she wants to be her boyfriend.  Meanwhile, the boys’ pet platypus, Perry, acts as a secret agent for an all-animal government organization called the O.W.C.A. (“Organization Without a Cool Acronym”), fighting Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.  The two plots intersect at the end to erase all traces of the boys’ project just before Candace can show it to their mother. This usually leaves Candace very frustrated.

The plot is amusing and keeps my son’s attention, recently I honed in on how highly successful and effective Phineas and Ferb are as people. Every episode opens with an idea or some link to an idea. Phineas seeing the idea and then being motivated to make this idea a reality, project, and or adventure for that day. When Phineas has a new idea, he says, “Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!” In several episodes, an adult will ask Phineas if he is a little young to be performing some complex activities, to which he responds “Yes, yes I am.”

I could go on and on about the comedy and musical attribute of this series but I want to highlight what I think are some amazing success skills that are being showcased in this cartoon. Recently, people in my circle have discussed the idea of excuse ridden failures or bi…asdeness. As well as the idea that the world consist of 97% of complacent people and the other 3% who excel and do not look back. Phineas and Ferb are the true examples of 3%, they think it, say it and do it. The brilliant thing about them is that at the end of every episode their hard work is destroyed by some sort of freak accident involving the platypus; but that does not matter. They come right back the next episode with the same vigor and excitement as before. How many people can actually say they are willing to do that?

To simply state what a 3% truly is.  Internet Marketing Guru, Master Lloyd Irvin says,”In life, deciding on what you would consider success and putting yourself in a position to become successful.  97% of the population is losers and only 3% of the population is winners and you have to decide what percentage group you want to be in.  Then surround yourself, or find a way, to get around the 3% group.”

I think the best part of this cartoon, none of the boy’s friends moans or groans about the arduous task in front of them. They are excited as well and committed to the end goal of each project they create. Some of them might be a 97% at home but when the are with Phineas and Ferb they are 3% by choice.

To bring some theoretical perspective to what I am discussing. Think in the context of Stephen R. Covey and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, this a business and self-help book. This work illustrates the seven habits of highly successful and effective people. I am not proposing that these two cartoons characters represent all seven habits, but what I am proposing is that they use some of them extremely effectively to carry out their goals. Read  below and see if you apply these goals to your life.

Habit 1: Be Proactive Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they align with life’s principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life. Create a mission statement.

Habit 3: Put First Things First Prioritize, plan, and execute your week’s tasks based on importance rather than urgency. Evaluate whether your efforts exemplify your desired character values, propel you toward goals, and enrich the roles and relationships that were elaborated in Habit 2.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win Genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a “win” for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten his way.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood Use empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, and positive problem solving.

Habit 6: Synergize, combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. It primarily emphasizes exercise for physical renewal, prayer (meditation, yoga, etc.) and good reading for mental renewal. It also mentions service to society for spiritual renewal.

There you have it. A cartoon can represent highly effective and successful people. I could go on and on about the creators and their motivation etc. etc. That is for another blog post. A fun fact about the creators, it took them 16 years to get Phineas and Ferb picked up by a network. In the meantime the creators had highly successful careers with cartoon strips like Nickelodeon’s Rocko’s Modern Life. They never gave up on this dream of these two adventurous boys. So ask yourself, “How can you give up on your dream?”

My Entrepreneurial Reading List

Cover of "Girl, Make Your Money Grow!: A ...

Cover via Amazon

I have been in the entrepreneur spirit since January 2011. During that time I have read 7 books from management to emotional stability. All these books have been great in inspiring me and giving me direction. Here is a little recap of these books and what I took from them. Please note; the one major lesson that I am learning during this experience is that it is not about just growing your business, it is about growing you. Emotionally, as a small business owner you go thru just the same amount of ups and downs that your business goes through. What I am finding no ones tells you about this part of the business experience, it is organic to say the least but not for the faint of heart. So entrepreneurs beware! On your shoulders actually does sit the negative you and the positive you and it gets crazy fast. On to my reading list…

(Disclaimer: All books were purchased on sale at Books A Million and Big Lots, remember your budget people)

1. Russell Simmons – Do  You!: 12 Laws to Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success

This was a good book where I felt like he was more open and honest about the emotional journey you go through in the hustle game and staying to true to yourself. Not a lot of business resource advice, but definitely got my mojo going.

2. Glinda Bridgforth and Gail Perry-Mason – Girl, Make Your Money Grow!

This book is special to me, I had the pleasure of having dinner with the amazing Gail Perry Mason in Savannah, GA and she signed this book. There is a simple premise in this book, financial empowerment but with a minority voice for the tone of the book. I loved it, clear debt understanding the market and the next thing you know you are on Scott Trade. Not that simple but a great 101 Intro to securing your financial freedom.

3. Rhonda Byrne – The Secret

I read this book when it first came out. What works for me most in my journey is the practice of envisioning your dreams, staying focused and meditating.

4. Jeffery Gitomer – The Sales Bible

The Bible is The Bible; I will never replace that in my life. However, The Sales Bible is a great road map to selling yourself and your business. It is easy to read. It is written in more of a resource style that you can pick up and read a chapter to help you at that moment.

5. Kevin Phillips – Bad Money

Great read! Talks about the rise and fall of the American economic system 2006 – 2008. This gave me great perspective as a business owner in a global economy and shit does roll down hill.

6. Marcus Buckingham – GO Put Your Strengths To Work

Just like the title says it puts you to work on a series steps to achieve success. I am still a work in progress on this book because you have to keep working on it and remembering to do it.

7. Tyler Cowen – Discover Your Inner Economist

There is nothing wrong with thinking like an economist, economy =money hello? This book helped me understanding my motivations and potential consumers or business partners motivations and how you can motivate people to your way.

This is just the beginning of my reading journey. I plan on journaling this process which I think will help with the moments of doubt or concern. I recommend everyone start their own reading adventure in life, you never know what you might learn or the knowledge you might gain. I do not think one person has the one right answer for you. But through research and having a good perspective, I believe we all can find the answers we are look for.